Sunday, April 11, 2010

Newari customs

Most of the people look very beautiful in there own dresses.Many people in nepal have there own culture dress so among them newari also have there customs. The newari dress include hakupatashi and daurasurwal. This is the fomous in the world and this dress is very beautiful to wear so the most who wear this dress can be easily known as newar.Now this dress is being lack because of modernisation.This dress is wear in special occusation by newar.But the oldder people wear this dress in any time. This dress is wear not only by newar but also by foreign people so this dress should be give more priority.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

yamari puni

This is the famous festival which is followed or celebrate in newari society. This festival is celebrate by eating delicious food. This festival can be celebrate in different ways by taking bath in the morning and going to at relative. This festival is mainly of yamari. It is a kind of food which is made of bread by putting chaku inside it and it very testy to eat. so most of the newar knows how to make yamari.This types of food is very good for health.Mostly the people are very intersted to know the secret of yamari.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is also the no.1 and main festival which is celebrate in the newar culture. This is held in between ashwin and kartik. This is very intrest festival because in this festival many relative are present face to face so this festival is also called gaddering festival.Most of the people are very lucky in this time because this festival is celebrate by worshiping god and goddes and also in this occasion the eldder's gives the bless to there children & give money too. In this festival newar eat samebaje and drink alcohol an many more. so this festival is very good in one aspect an in another it is bad. This festival is very intrested to celebrate.

Monday, April 5, 2010


This is the most important tradition which is followed by people in newari culture.This is the main and important because is very enjoyable and also many things to take knowledge about different old culture. Most of the people are newar so,this culture has more priority then other culture. In this culture most of the people drink alcohol, wind e.t.c because of there culture. Newar are the most great full in there culture. Differerent types of god and goddes are prayed in this culture.Many people are died because of war but in newari culture there is no fight because they think that everyone is brother and sister so this culture is very good and most of the people like it.